Fall Election

Taylor Community Center Gym.

Santa Claus is Coming to Town!

Taylor Community Center Gym. Fun for all: Isaiah the Magician, Santa, goodie bags, and treats! Hosted by the Taylor Memorial Library and the Village of Taylor.

Blair-Taylor Bell Choir Concert

Directed by Karla Hulne. Held at the Taylor Lutheran Church. A freewill offering will be taken to support the Bell Choir. RSVP by November 27th to Brenda (715-896-2191) or Linda (715-662-2620). Sponsored by Jackson County Retired Educators.

Norwegian Bake Sale

Hosted by the Taylor W-ELCA at the Taylor Lutheran Church. Featuring Bake Sale, Crafts, and a Free Will Donation Lunch. Bake Sale Items include: Rosettes, Krumkake, Sanbakkels, Rommegrot, different breads, pastries, cookies, and bars. Sweet Soup, handmade items and crafts are available.

Spring Primary Election

The polling place for the Village of Taylor is located at the Community Center.

Taylor Museum of History

The Museum is forming a committee to participate in planning an exciting new exhibit. All are welcome to attend this initial meeting. The meeting will be held at the Community Center.