Category: Uncategorized

Community Supper

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February 19th at the Taylor Lutheran Church. Serving from 4:30 to 6:30.

Food Pantry

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If you need Food Assistance now call 715-670-8489.

The Neighborhood Food Pantry delivers in Taylor from 9am-10am on the second Tuesday of each month. If you have not used the Taylor Neighborhood pantry before please call Chuck at 715-284-3346 to arrange delivery or pickup at the Community Center.

Mowing/Brush Pick-up

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Only leaves that have been bagged in garbage bags will be picked up.

Pruned branches need to be stacked neatly and can be no longer than 4-6 ft to be picked up.

No one is allowed at the village burn pile without permission. Anyone trespassing will be cited. 

Burning of clean paper products is allowed on Saturdays ONLY!

Please do NOT blow grass clippings into streets.