Taylor Community Center Gym.
Drive-Through Only. Menu: Meatballs, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Rutabagas, Cole Slaw, Dinner Roll, Lefsa, and Dessert. All for only $13.00!
Held at the Community Center Gym.
Taylor Community Center Gym. Fun for all: Isaiah the Magician, Santa, goodie bags, and treats! Hosted by the Taylor Memorial Library and the Village of Taylor.
Directed by Karla Hulne. Held at the Taylor Lutheran Church. A freewill offering will be taken to support the Bell Choir. RSVP by November 27th to Brenda (715-896-2191) or Linda […]
Hosted by the Taylor W-ELCA at the Taylor Lutheran Church. Featuring Bake Sale, Crafts, and a Free Will Donation Lunch. Bake Sale Items include: Rosettes, Krumkake, Sanbakkels, Rommegrot, different breads, […]
Taylor Lutheran Church.
The polling place for the Village of Taylor is located at the Community Center.
Held at the Taylor Lutheran Church.